'중동의 시위, 친선도모 순방 훼손안해'  - 로라 부쉬 여사 <영문기사 첨부>

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U.S. First Lady Laura Bush says protests by Jews and Muslims when she visited two holy sites in Jerusalem Sunday did not undercut her Mideast tour to promote goodwill.

The president's wife says she felt very welcome by most people, but also expected protests. Mrs. Bush said -- in her words -- "we all know this is a place of very high tensions and high emotions."

The First Lady spoke to reporters after touring the 12th-century Church of Resurrection outside Jerusalem today (Monday), before traveling to Cairo.

At the Western Wall Sunday, Jewish demonstrators shouted at Mrs. Bush, demanding the release of American Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence in the United States for spying for Israel.

And, at the Dome of the Rock mosque, some Muslim worshipers shouted their disapproval of her presence as she visited the compound.