미국 최초 여성 연방 대법관 샌드라 오코너 은퇴 (영문기사 첨부)

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산드라 데이 오코너 대법관은, 미국 대법원의 첫 여성 대법관으로서, 견해가 거의 양분되다시피할 경우 흔히 결정적인 부동표 노릇을 해온 온건 보수파 인물로 잘알려져있습니다.

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부쉬 대통령은 1일 오코너 대법관을 가리켜 “분별력있고 양심적인 판사”라고 칭송하고 그가 국가를 위해 봉사하고 기여한데 대해 감사했습니다.

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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring, giving President Bush his first chance to make an appointment to the nation's highest court.

Justice O'Connor announced her retirement today (Friday), telling the president in a letter that she will step down when her successor is confirmed.

Mr. Bush later said he will choose a nominee to replace her "in a timely manner", so the Senate can hold hearings and a vote before the court begins its next term in October.

A White House spokesman says Mr. Bush will choose someone who "interprets the law," and does not try to legislate from the bench. The spokesman said there will be no announcement on a nominee before the president returns from the Group of 8 summit in Europe on July 8th.

The resignation is expected to set off an intense political battle between Republicans and Democrats over who will fill her seat. Over the years, Ms. O'Connor has cast the deciding vote in many 5-to-4 cases that dealt with
hotly-contested issues such as abortion and the death penalty.

Leading Democratic senators called on the president today (Friday) to nominate a candidate who could meet the high standards set by Ms. O'Connor.

Ms. O'Connor was the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court. She has served on the court for 24 years.