아로요 대통령 남편, 미국으로 자진 망명 (영문기사 첨부)

필리핀의 글로리아 아로요 대통령의 남편이 부인에게 더이상 정치적 분규를 초래하지 않기 위해 자진 미국망명길에 올랐습니다.

호세 미구엘 아로요씨는 지위를 남용하고 불법 도박 운영자들로 부터 거액의 상납금을 받았다고 비난받아왔으며 대통령의 아들과 제부도 그같은 의혹을 받고 있습니다.

아로요 대통령 자신은 지난해 대통령 선거에서 표를 조작했다는 비난으로 궁지에 몰려 있습니다.*


The husband of President Gloria Arroyo has left Manila for a self-imposed exile in the United States in order to spare her further political troubles.

Jose Miguel Arroyo, known in the Philippines as Mike, has been accused of influence-peddling and receiving illegal kickbacks from illegal gambling operators, a charge which has also been made against the president's son and brother-in-law.

Mrs. Arroyo herself has been dogged by allegations she rigged the voting in last year's presidential elections.

She has admitted to speaking to an election official during the vote counting, but denies she tried to fix the results.

The president is rejecting calls for her resignation, and says she would welcome an impeachment trial to prove her innocence.