이란 부통령, 유럽의 우라늄 농축 포기 촉구 일축 (영문기사 첨부)

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.Iran's Vice-President Gholamreza Aghazadeh has rejected European calls for Tehran to drop its uranium enrichment program.

Mr. Aghazadeh spoke today (Monday) in Moscow, after meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other officials.

He told reporters that the nuclear issue is a national concern and no Iranian government would compromise on that.

Mr. Aghazadeh said Tehran in coming days will issue new proposals about negotiations with European officials.

He also said there is no technical or legal reason to send a report on Tehran's nuclear program to the United Nations Security Council, as requested by U.S. and European officials.

The United States has warned it may call for possible U.N. sanctions against Iran, which Washington accuses of seeking to develop nuclear weapons.
Iran has insisted its intentions are peaceful.