"이라크 저항세력 소탕은 민주주의 진작위한 도덕적 의무" -  라이스 미국 국무장관 (영문기사 첨부)

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The U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, says the fight against insurgents in Iraq is part of what the United States sees as a moral obligation to foster democracy in the Middle East.

In a speech Friday (at Princeton University) aimed at opponents of the U.S. military effort in Iraq, Ms. Rice condemned those responsible for the recent surge in violence in Iraq as "merciless killers." She says the insurgents "want to provoke nothing less than a full-scale civil war among Muslims across the entire Middle East."

Ms. Rice says the United States cannot abandon its mission in Iraq, because that would result in the most severe consequences. Giving up the fight in Iraq now, she says, would "destroy any chance that the people of this region have of building a future of hope and opportunity."