그리스에서도 조류독감 발생 (영문기사 첨부)

그리스가 첫번째 조류독감 발생 사실을 확인했습니다. 그리스 전문가들은 현재 이 독감이 치명적인 H5N1 바이러스인지 여부를 조사하고 있습니다.

유럽연합 조사관들은 터키의 조류독감이 인간에게 심각한 위협이 되고 있다는 징후는 없다고 말했습니다. 터키에서는 이 바이러스로 인해 가금류 1천8백 마리가 죽었습니다.

조류독감은 루마니아에서도 발생했으며 이를 봉쇄하기 위해 수천마리의 조류가 폐기처분됐습니다.


Greece has confirmed the country's first case of bird flu. Experts there are conducting further tests to determine whether it is the deadly H5N1 strain.

Meanwhile, European Union investigators in Turkey say they see no sign that avian flu there poses a serious threat to humans. The virus has killed 18-hundred domestic birds in Turkey. But officials say its incubation period has passed, and is now mainly a veterinary problem.

Bird flu has also broken out in Romania, prompting the slaughter of thousands of domestic birds to try to contain it.

The German state of Bavaria has banned poultry fairs as a precaution.

And Britain is sending experts to China and Vietnam to study Asian efforts, and will report to an international conference in London in December.

Bird flu has killed about 60 people in Asia, mostly farmers in direct contact with infected poultry. Researchers fear the virus could mutate into a strain easily passed from person to person.