미국 하원, 멕시코 국경에  밀입국 방지용 장벽 설치안 통과 (영문기사 첨부)

미국 하원은 15일 불법 이민을 막기 위해 멕시코와의 국경에 보안 장벽을 설치하는 법 개정안을 통과시켰습니다.

하원이 찬성 260, 반대 159로 의결한 이 법안은 이민 관련 사망사고와 마약밀반입 및 불법 국경통과 사례가 가장 많은 미국 남서부 국경 지역에 보안장벽을 설치하도록 하고 있습니다.


The U.S. House of Representatives voted late Thursday in favor of a proposed security fence along the border with Mexico to shut down illegal immigration.

The 260 to 159 voice vote on an amendment to an illegal immigration bill mandates the construction of security fencing along sectors of the Southwest U.S. border that have the highest number of immigrant deaths, instances of drug smuggling and illegal border crossings.

The Republican-crafted bill would also require all businesses to verify that their workers are in the United States legally, and would increase fines for those hiring illegal aliens. The legislation also proposes that immigrants who re-enter the United States after being deported would face criminal rather than civil penalties.