'미국이 테러 용의자 고문한 증거 있다' - 유럽조사관들 주장 (영문기사 첨부)

미국이 테러 용의자들을 심문하기 위한 비밀 수감시설을 운영했다는 의혹에 대해 조사하고 있는 유럽 조사관들은 수감자들이 유럽의 여러 나라들로 이송돼 고문을 받았다는 증거가 있다고 밝혔습니다.

그러나, 조사를 담당하고 있는 스위스의 딕 마티 의원은 미국 중앙정보국 CIA 가 유럽에서 그같은 수감 시설을 운영했다는 결정적인 증거는 발견하지 못했다고 말했습니다.

마티 의원은 유럽 각국 정부들은 자국 국경을 넘어 테러 용의자들이 이송되고 있음을 알고 있었던 것으로 보인다고 말했습니다.


A European investigator studying charges that U.S. agents operated secret prisons for terrorist suspects says there is evidence that prisoners were moved through Europe to countries where they were tortured.

However, the head of the human-rights probe says he has found no absolute proof that the (U.S.) Central Intelligence Agency ran such detention centers in Europe. Dick Marty, a Swiss lawmaker who conducted the investigation, says it is likely governments in Europe were aware that suspected terrorists were being moved across their borders.

His preliminary report today (Tuesday) to the (46-nation) Council of Europe describes what he called a system of "outsourcing ... torture" to other countries, but concedes there is no "cogent evidence" that secret detention centers were established in European nations.

The Council of Europe investigation was launched in response to allegations (in November) by the New York-based group Human Rights Watch, which accused the C.I.A. of abducting and torturing detainees at secret prisons in Romania and Poland. Both countries have denied any involvement in such practices.