"우라늄 농축문제에 타협없다" - 이란 정부 선언 (영문기사 첨부)

이란 정부는 우라늄 농축활동과 관련, 장기적인 중단을 포함, 타협하지 않을 것임을 분명히 밝히고 있다고 이란 핵개발 계획에 관한 국제 원자력 기구 회의에서 한 외교관이 말했습니다.

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A diplomat at the U.N. atomic agency's talks on Iran's nuclear program says the Tehran government has made it clear it will not agree to a compromise that includes a long-term moratorium on uranium enrichment.

The board of the International Atomic Energy Agency is meeting in Vienna again today (Tuesday) to discuss Iran's nuclear program and whether to seek sanctions from the U.N. Security Council. Iran has said it intends to go forward with nuclear research and uranium enrichment for a civilian energy program.

The United States and European countries say Iran may be trying to develop nuclear weapons. I.A.E.A. chief Mohamed ElBaradei has expressed optimism the dispute could be resolved soon. There have been reports that Russia is proposing a compromise that would have Iran suspend uranium enrichment activities but allow Tehran to continue with limited nuclear research.