이라크에서 실종된 미국인 숨진채 발견 (영문기사 첨부)

미국과 이라크 관리들은 이라크에서 발견된 사체는 실종됐던 미국인 인질 탐 폭스씨로 신원이 확인됐다고 말했습니다. 미국무부 대변인은, 10일 오후, 기독교 평화 운동가인 탐 폭스씨의 사망을 발표했습니다.

이라크 관리들은 폭스씨가 손이 묶여 총격을 당한채로 발견됐다고 말했습니다. 이들은 또 폭스씨가 사망전에 구타당한 흔적이 있었다고 말했습니다.

폭스씨는 ,북미지역에 본부를 둔, 기독교 평화 봉사 단체 봉사자들로 지난해 11월 납치된 네명의 서방 구호 활동가중 한명이었습니다.


U.S. and Iraqi officials say a body found in Iraq has been identified as missing American hostage Tom Fox.

A U.S. State Department spokesman announced the death of the Christian peace activist late Friday.

Iraqi officials say Fox was found with his hands tied and with gunshot wounds. They say there were signs he was beaten before his death.

Fox was one of four Western aid workers from the North American-based group Christian Peacemaker Teams abducted in Iraq last November. Two Canadians and a Briton are still being held.

In another development, the U.S. military in Iraq says coalition forces detained eight suspected insurgents, Saturday. A statement says four men were captured at a Sunni mosque in the violence-plagued Khadhra neighborhood of Baghdad that had been identified as a possible al-Qaida in Iraq safe haven. The other four were detained from other sites raided during the operation.

On the political front, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has summoned the country's new parliament to meet on March 19, saying the impasse in forming a new government could lead to an increase in sectarian violence.

The first meeting of the newly-elected parliament has been delayed because the three main political parties, deeply divided along sectarian and ethnic lines, have failed to agree on a power-sharing formula.

In Washington, President Bush expressed concern Friday about the sectarian violence following the February 22 bombing of a Shi'ite shrine in Samarra. He said, however, the Iraqi people have taken a "step back" from the unrest.