네팔 공산 반군 정부 청사 공격, 반군 5명 정부군 1명 사망 (영문기사 첨부)

네팔의 공산 반군이 보안대 기지와 정부 청사를 공격해 최소한 5명의 공산 반군과 군인 1명이 사망했다고 네팔 관리들이 말했습니다.

반군은 카트만두 동쪽으로 1백 킬로미터 떨어진 차우타라 마을과의 모든 통신을 차단했습니다. 네팔 정부는 수도 카트만두에 새롭게 7시간의 주간 통행금지를 실시하고 있으며, 18일 간의 파업과 반정부 시위 이후 위반자들이 눈에 띌 경우 사격하도록 지시했습니다.

카트만두의 미국대사관은 보안상 우려 때문에 외교관 가족과 필수인원을 제외한 직원들에게 네팔을 떠나도록 했습니다. 대사관은 24일 발표한 여행경고에서 미국인들은 가능한 한 빨리 네팔을 떠나라고 말했습니다. 한편 경찰은 23일 주간 통행금지를 위반하고 거리에 나선 수천여명의 시위대에게 고무총과 최루가스를 발사해 최소한 23명이 부상했습니다.


Nepalese officials say at least five communist rebels and a soldier have been killed during an overnight attack on security bases and government buildings in Nepal's north-central region.

The rebels cut off all communication with the town of Chautara, about 100 kilometers east of Kathmandu.

In the capital, the royal government imposed a new daytime seven-hour curfew and shoot-on-sight order today (Monday) after 18 days of strikes and anti-monarchy protests.

The U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu has told the families of diplomats and non-essential staff to leave the country because of security concerns. In a travel warning issued today (Monday), the embassy also told American citizens to leave the country as soon as possible.

On Sunday, police used rubber bullets and tear gas against thousands of protesters who defied a daytime curfew, injuring at least 23 people.


More than 100-thousand protesters defied a similar curfew Saturday as they tried to approach King Gyanendra's palace from the outskirts of the city. More than 100 people were injured as protesters clashed with police.

The demonstrators along with leaders of the Seven Party Alliance - a coalition of opposition parties that organized the protests - have rejected an offer made by King Gyanendra to form an interim government.

They want the king to call elections for a constituent assembly that would draft a new constitution. Such an assembly could declare the king a ceremonial figure, or eliminate the monarchy.

King Gyanendra dismissed the government and took absolute power in February 2005, saying elected officials were not able to control Nepal's Maoist insurgency.