중국 – 일본, 동중국해 천연자원 개발 협조 방안 교환 (영문 첨부)

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중국과 일본의 외교관리들은 7일, 두 정부가 동중국해의 분쟁 수역에서 해저 자원 을 공동 개발하는 방안을 논의할 것이라고 확인했습니다.

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하지만 중국은 현재 해양 주권이 문제되고 있는 지역에서 이미 러시아와 베트남 그리고 필리핀과 공동 개발 협상을 맺고 있다고 지적합니다.

류 서기관은 또한 중국은 아무리 옳다고 판단해도, 해양 주권이 문제가 되고 있는 지역에 전함이나 전투기를 보낸 적이 없다고 말했습니다. 류 서기관은 또 자신은 지금 중국이 그 분쟁 지역의 가스전을 개발할 권리가 있다는 주장을 자제하고 있다고 생각한다고 덧 붙였습니다.

류 서기관은 자신은 일본의 일부 외교관리들이 중국의 가스전 시굴에 대응하여 그 분쟁지역에 전함을 보내도록 요청하고 있지만 그럼에도 불구하고 일본은 중국과 같이 자제력을 보여 줄것을 믿는다고 말했습니다.


Diplomats involved in Sino-Japanese negotiations on their maritime border dispute say the neighbors have traded proposals to cooperate in developing resources in the East China Sea.

Japanese and Chinese diplomats on Wednesday confirmed that their governments are discussing joint development of maritime resources in the disputed waters of the East China Sea.

Liu Jinsong, first secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Japan, says that Beijing and Tokyo have made recent counterproposals on how and where to conduct joint development programs. He made the comments at a media luncheon also attended by a Japanese diplomat involved in the talks on the disputed area.

"Both sides are agreeing not to leak the information for that, but I still want to leak some information that there is," he said. "Both sides are ready to propose some proposals. We are very careful and serious in studying each others' proposals."

Sino-Japanese diplomatic ties have chilled in the past few years in part because of maritime boundary disagreements. Their exclusive economic zones overlap in the East China Sea.

China has angered Tokyo by exploring undersea gas fields immediately outside Japan's claimed zone. Japan contends that China is drilling so close to the line that it could be sucking undersea resources from the Japanese side. Complicating matters is the fact that Beijing and Tokyo have yet to agree on the precise area in dispute.

Also speaking at the luncheon was Yukiya Hamamoto, the deputy director of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's international legal affairs bureau. He says the lack of a clearly marked area is a problem.

"Obviously joint development is something which is done in the disputed area. If we have some arguments on where is the disputed area that obviously would make some difference to the outcome," said Hamamoto.

The Chinese, however, point out they already have joint development agreements with Russia, Vietnam and the Philippines in areas where maritime sovereignty is disputed.

Liu also contends that despite concern in Japan that Beijing is acting provocatively, its military has been restrained in not asserting China's territorial claims.

"We have not sent our warships or the war planes to that area, even [though] we think it's all right," said Liu. "I think right now we restrain ourselves that we have rights to make some drill [do some drilling] in the disputed area."

The Chinese diplomat says he believes that Japan also will practice such restraint, despite calls by some here for Tokyo to dispatch military ships to the disputed waters in response to China's gas exploration.