이라크 파견 일본 자위대 병력 귀국 (영문첨부)

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Japan has welcomed home soldiers from the war in Iraq, marking the end of the country's first deployment of troops to a combat zone since World War Two.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi expressed relief today (Saturday) that members of the Ground Self Defense Force carried out their two-and-a-half-year humanitarian mission without suffering any combat-related casualties.

The Japanese troops helped build schools and roads in the southern Samawah area, and provided clean water. They were dependent on Dutch, Australian and British forces for security.

Japanese leaders say they expect the mission will lead to more overseas work, including a return to Iraq if the security situation improves.

Mr. Koizumi saw the mission as a way to support the United States. But many Japanese opposed it because they were against the war or believed the mission violated Japan's pacifist constitution.