라이스 미 국무장관 예고없이 이라크 방문 (Eng)

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미군 당국자들은 바그다드에서 미군과 이라크 군이 펼치고 있는 새로운 보안 단속이 바그다드에 대한 공격의 수와 효율성이 크게 감소하는 결과로 이어졌다고 말하고 있습니다.

그러나, 이라크 북부 키르쿠크의 한 시장에서 17일, 두 건의 차량폭탄 폭발로 적어도 9명이 사망하고 약 60명이 부상했습니다.


U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says a new security operation in Baghdad appears to be off to "a good start," and she urged Iraq's government to make good use of any lull in sectarian violence.

Rice made her comments today (Saturday) during an unannounced visit to Iraq. Her airplane circled Baghdad for 30 minutes before landing because of military operations in the capital.

A U.S. spokesman says Rice will confer with various officials in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone before departing for a scheduled trip to Jerusalem.

U.S. military officials say the new U.S and Iraqi security crackdown in Baghdad has led to a significant reduction in the number and effectiveness of attacks in the capital.

But in northern Iraq today (Saturday), at least nine people were killed and about 60 others wounded when two car bombs exploded in a crowded market in Kirkuk.