미국 11월 실직자 50만 명 이상 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush says he is very concerned about the flood of workers who lost jobs recently, and worried that some U.S. auto companies might not survive.

He spoke after a government report showed the U.S. economy lost half a million jobs in November -- the worst decline in 34 years.

Mr. Bush said his administration is working to deal with the causes of the problem -- the housing market collapse and tight credit. He said the credit market is beginning to recover.

President-elect Barack Obama vowed to respond to the economic situation with "urgent resolve," but warned it will take time to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, U.S. auto industry executives spent another day on Capitol Hill pleading for government loans. Mr. Bush urged Congress to act promptly on the issue, but said he is concerned about the "viability" of the companies that want to receive financial help from the taxpayers.