Ukraine's New Presidential Vote Set for Dec. 26 - 2004-12-04

A spokeswoman in Kiev confirmed today (Saturday) that Ukraine's Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych will take part in a court-ordered repeat of the country's second-round presidential election, against opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko.

Mr. Yanukovych is convinced he will win the Dec. 26 runoff vote, his spokeswoman says. Earlier, the prime minister contended the Supreme Court exceeding its authority by overturning last month's vote and ordering a new election.

Ukraine's Parliament set the new election date today. In its ruling Friday, the nation's Supreme Court had ordered a new ballot within three weeks.

The court's verdict that last month's vote was tainted by fraud was loudly cheered by tens of thousands of Mr. Yushchenko's supporters. They have been occupying Kiev's Independence Square for nearly two weeks.