Ukrainians Re-Open Yushchenko Poisoning Investigation - 2004-12-13

Ukraine's parliament has re-opened its investigation into allegations that presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned by political rivals.

Doctors at an Austrian clinic say the opposition candidate was poisoned by dioxin, a toxic chemical that can be lethal.

Mr. Yushchenko sought the clinic's help in diagnosing the illness that has left his face discolored and pockmarked.

Sunday, Mr. Yushchenko again accused Ukraine's government of trying to kill him, a charge Ukrainian officials deny.

Today (Monday), a White House spokesman (Scott McClellan) urged Ukraine's government to fully investigate the matter. The European Union said anyone found to have poisoned Mr. Yushchenko must be brought to justice.

In Kiev, preparations continue for the December 26th re-run of the country's presidential election.

Officials have given Mr. Yushchenko and his opponent Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych two 30-minute segments each on state television. And Russia's Itar-Tass news agency says the candidates may hold a debate to be televised live on December 20th.