Indonesia Sets Three-Month Stay Limit on Foreign Military in Aceh - 2005-01-12

Indonesian authorities say foreign military forces assisting with tsunami relief efforts should leave Aceh within three months.

The United States, Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore have naval, air and ground forces in the tsunami devastated province to provide emergency aid.

But Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla told reporters today (Wednesday) that the forces need to leave Aceh as soon as their mission is finished -- which he says should be no later than March.

Meanwhile, a shipment of United Nations relief supplies is finally on its way to Meulaboh -- the tsunami-ravaged Indonesian fishing village that until this week had been virtually inaccessible to emergency workers.

Relief efforts continue throughout southern Asia as workers search for bodies, clean up wreckage, rebuild transport links and buildings and try to prevent disease outbreaks among survivors. The U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization said Tuesday that there is enough food in tsunami-damaged nations to feed the estimated two million people who need it -- but that tsunami damage is making the supplies hard to deliver.