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[English with Yoo] Suck up to somebody

English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

오늘의 영어 표현은: Suck up (to somebody)

I still remember my first day of kindergarten class. Most of my classmates and I brought shiny red apples to suck up to the teacher on the first day. Because they say that an apple is somewhat like a traditional present for teachers in the United States.

제가 유치원 첫 날 수업때 선생님께 반짝반짝 빛나는 빨간 사과를 드린 기억이 아직도 생생하네요. 미국에서는 첫 수업때 이렇게 선생님께 사과를 드리는데요 이유는 선생님눈에 들어서 사랑을 듬뿍받고 싶어서랍니다.

As a little kid, I guess everyone wants to be loved by a teacher and become a teacher’s pet.

I asked my friend, Vivian, who is an elementary teacher what a teacher’s pet is and if she was ever a teacher’s pet. Let’s hear what she had to say! 그럼 제가 비비안과 함께 대화것을 한번 들어보실까요?

오늘의 영어 표현은suck up 입니다? 잘들어보세요! Listen carefully!

Suck up (to somebody)

Vivian: Usually a teacher’s pet is someone that really likes to suck up to the teacher just to try to get easy grades or just trying to better themselves.
Jen: Maybe they bring an apple on the first day of class, were you a teacher’s pet?
Vivian: No I wasn’t. I was pretty much a bad kid!

비비안은 ‘A teacher’s pet, 선생님의 사랑을 많이 받는 학생은, 보통 선생님에게suck up 한다고 하네요. ‘Usually a teacher’s pet is someone that really likes to suck up
제가 비비안에게 ‘학생때 학기 첫날마다 선생님께 사과 그러니까Apple를 갔다줬냐고 또 선생님 사랑을 많이 받는 학생이었느냐고’ 물어 보니까 비비안은 ‘No I wasn’t. I was pretty much a bad kid! 나는 대단한 말성꾸러기였어요’ 라고 하더라고요.

오늘의 영어 표현은: Suck up (to somebody)입니다?

Suck / S U C K
Up / U P

Suck up (to somebody) 는 kiss up (to somebody)와 같은 뜻입니다.

To suck up (to somebody) / kiss up (to somebody) 는 ‘(~)에게 잘보이려고하다, 비위를 맞추다, 애교떨다’ 라는 뜻입니다.

When you ‘suck up (to somebody)’ it means to praise someone in order to win their approval.

When a student suck up to a teacher 그래서 미국에서는 학교 선생님께 애써서 잘보이려고 하는 학생을 teacher’s pet 이라고 부르죠.

비비안은 “Usually a teacher’s pet is someone that really likes to suck up to the teacher” 이라고했죠?

그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다. Listen to our key phrase suck up.

Suck up (to somebody)

Vivian: Usually a teacher’s pet is someone that really likes to suck up to the teacher just to try to get easy grades or just trying to better themselves.
Jen: Maybe they bring an apple on the first day of class, were you a teacher’s pet?
Vivian: No I wasn’t. I was pretty much a bad kid!

본문 다시 한번 들어보셨고요.

Let me give you some examples in Korean. You try saying it in English.

  • 조는 새로 온 최고경영자에게 잘보이려고했다.
그렇죠! Joe sucked up to the new CEO.

  • 나한테 너무 잘보이려고 하지마. 소용없는 일인걸 알잖아.
맞습니다! Don’t try to suck up to me, it won’t work.

오늘의 영어표현 ‘suck up / (~)에게 잘보이려고하다, 비위 맞추다, 애교떨다’ suck up 꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다.