English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.
I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!
Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 영어 표현은 Day in and day out 입니다.
Let’s discuss what ‘day in and day out’ means. Listen carefully to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘day in and day out’이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
Jody가 “Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you? 여보, 제가 이번에 새로 사다 드린 넥타이 마음에 안 드세요?’라고 묻자, Mike은 “How can I not like the ties my wife got me? 어떻게 당신이 사 준 건데 마음에 안 들 수가 있겠어. I do like them a lot! 아주 좋아!”라고 답하고 있어요. 그러자 Jody는 “Then how come you don’t wear them? 그럼 왜 안 매고 다니세요? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out. 날마다 파란 넥타이만 매고 다니시잖아요.”라고 말합니다. 이에 대해Mike은 “Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts. 글쎄, 내 셔츠랑 잘 어울려서 그랬어.”라고 대답하고 Jody는 “It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think? 매일 똑같은 것만 매고 다니면 지루하지 않으세요?”라고 묻고 있네요.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
오늘의 영어표현은 Day in and day out 입니다.
If you do something day in and day out, you do it every day over a long period, often causing it to become boring. Day in and day out에서 ‘day in은 해가 뜨나’, ‘day out은 해가 지나’를 뜻하는데요, 꽤 오랫동안 매일 매일 똑같은 걸 해서 지루해지는 걸 말하죠. 날이면 날마다, 허구한 날 정도로 생각하시면 되겠습니다. 예를 한번 들어볼까요? ‘Life can become very tedious and boring if you do the same work day in and day out 날마다 똑같은 일만 하면 인생이 아주 지루해질 수 있다.’는 뜻이죠, 직장과 집만 왔다 갔다 하며 아무런 변화 없이 단조롭게 살아가는 일상을 가리킬 때 쓸 수 있는 문장입니다.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
오늘의 영어 표현, ‘Day in and day out 날이면 날마다’ 잘 기억해두시고요. 지금까지 English with YOO 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye!
I’ll give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!
Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo and welcome to ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 영어 표현은 Day in and day out 입니다.
Let’s discuss what ‘day in and day out’ means. Listen carefully to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘day in and day out’이 무슨 뜻인지 알아 보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
Jody가 “Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you? 여보, 제가 이번에 새로 사다 드린 넥타이 마음에 안 드세요?’라고 묻자, Mike은 “How can I not like the ties my wife got me? 어떻게 당신이 사 준 건데 마음에 안 들 수가 있겠어. I do like them a lot! 아주 좋아!”라고 답하고 있어요. 그러자 Jody는 “Then how come you don’t wear them? 그럼 왜 안 매고 다니세요? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out. 날마다 파란 넥타이만 매고 다니시잖아요.”라고 말합니다. 이에 대해Mike은 “Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts. 글쎄, 내 셔츠랑 잘 어울려서 그랬어.”라고 대답하고 Jody는 “It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think? 매일 똑같은 것만 매고 다니면 지루하지 않으세요?”라고 묻고 있네요.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
오늘의 영어표현은 Day in and day out 입니다.
If you do something day in and day out, you do it every day over a long period, often causing it to become boring. Day in and day out에서 ‘day in은 해가 뜨나’, ‘day out은 해가 지나’를 뜻하는데요, 꽤 오랫동안 매일 매일 똑같은 걸 해서 지루해지는 걸 말하죠. 날이면 날마다, 허구한 날 정도로 생각하시면 되겠습니다. 예를 한번 들어볼까요? ‘Life can become very tedious and boring if you do the same work day in and day out 날마다 똑같은 일만 하면 인생이 아주 지루해질 수 있다.’는 뜻이죠, 직장과 집만 왔다 갔다 하며 아무런 변화 없이 단조롭게 살아가는 일상을 가리킬 때 쓸 수 있는 문장입니다.
Day in and day out
Jody: Honey, do you not like the different colored ties that I bought you?
Mike: How can I not like the ties my wife got me? I do like them a lot!
Jody: Then how come you don’t wear them? You wear your plain blue tie day in and day out.
Mike: Well, it’s because it’s easy to match it with my shirts.
Jody: It’s boring if you wear the same tie all the time. What do you think?
Mike: You’re right. I’ll give it a try!
오늘의 영어 표현, ‘Day in and day out 날이면 날마다’ 잘 기억해두시고요. 지금까지 English with YOO 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye!