회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 호칭을 어떻게 할까요? 뭐라고 불러야 할까요? 영어로 표현해 보겠습니다. 대화 들어보시죠.
A: We finally met. It's good to put a face to the name. How should I address you?
J: Call me John or Johnny, whatever’s comfortable.
A: Sounds good, John. So, what brings you here?
J: I'm here for the workshop. I've heard you're quite experienced in this field.
A: Oh, thank you. I've been around for a while. Happy to help out. Is this your first time attending one of these?
J: Yes, it is. I'm looking to gain some insights, and network with professionals like yourself.
A: You're in the right place for that.
호칭을 어떻게 할지 이렇게 질문할 수 있습니다.
How should I address you?
뭐라고 불러야 할까요?
How do I address you?
What should I call you?
How would you like me to address you?
호칭을 어떻게 할지 물었을 때 대답은 Call me뒤에 원하는 호칭을 말씀하시면 됩니다.
Call me John.
You can call me John.
Just call me John.
How should I address you?
뭐라고 불러야 할까요? How should I address you? 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 느린 속도로 들어보겠습니다.
A: We finally met. It's good to put a face to the name. How should I address you?
J: Call me John or Johnny, whatever’s comfortable.
A: Sounds good. So, what brings you here?
J: I'm here for the workshop. I've heard you're quite experienced in this field.
A: Oh, thank you. I've been around for a while. Happy to help out. Is this your first time attending one of these?
J: Yes, it is. I'm looking to gain some insights, and network with professionals like yourself.
A: You're in the right place for that.
대화 해석해 보겠습니다.
We finally met.
우리 드디어 만났네요.
It’s nice to finally meet you.
마침내 만나게 돼서 반갑습니다.
문자나 통화만 하다가 마침내 만나게 됐을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.
We finally met.
우리 드디어 만났네요.
It's good to put a face to the name.
Put a face to the name
과거에 말로만 듣다가 직접 만나다
얼굴은 보지 못하고 얘기만 들어왔거나 전화 통화만 하던 사람을 직접 대면했을 때, 말로만 듣다가 만나니 좋네요.
It's good to put a face to the name.
I’m glad to finally put a face to the name.
말로만 듣다가 마침내 만나니 기쁩니다.
It’s nice to put a face to the name.
It’s nice to finally put a face to the name.
말로만 듣다가 마침내 만나니 좋네요.
How should I address you?
오늘은 호칭을 어떻게 할까요? 뭐라고 불러야 할까요?
Call me John or Johnny.
John이나 Johnny라고 부르세요.
Whatever is comfortable.
당신이 편한대로
How should I address you?
오늘은 호칭을 어떻게 할까요? 뭐라고 불러야 할까요?
How should I address you? 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.
A: We finally met. It's good to put a face to the name. How should I address you?
J: Call me John or Johnny, whatever’s comfortable.
A: Sounds good, John. So, what brings you here?
J: I'm here for the workshop. I've heard you're quite experienced in this field.
A: Oh, thank you. I've been around for a while. Happy to help out. Is this your first time attending one of these?
J: Yes, it is. I'm looking to gain some insights, and network with professionals like yourself.
A: You're in the right place for that.
Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은 How should I address you?
오늘은 호칭을 어떻게 할까요? How should I address you? 상대방을 뭐라고 부르면 좋을지 묻는 질문 영어로 표현해 봤습니다.