A: John, did you talk to your father?
J: No, I really don’t want to discuss this problem with my father. He’s got a short fuse, and I know he’ll blow up over it.
A: But you can’t put it off forever.
J: I know. But I hate to see him losing his temper over something so small. I’m worried he’ll freak out when I tell him. I just wish he was more understanding.
John이 아버지가 화를 쉽게 내는 성격이라 대화하기 싫다고 합니다.
He’s got a short fuse.
He has a short fuse.
have a short fuse
short짧은 fuse 도화선, 심지가 짧은 폭탄은 터지기 쉽겠죠?
그래서 화를 쉽게 내는 사람들을 표현할 때, 짧은 심지를 가졌다고 표현합니다.
그는 욱하는 성격입니다.
He has a quick temper.
He loses his cool easily.
He gets upset quickly.
He tends to snap under pressure.
He’s got a short fuse.
그는 욱하는 성격입니다.
화를 쉽게낸다는 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 느린 속도로 들어보겠습니다.
A: John, did you talk to your father?
J: No, I really don’t want to discuss this problem with my father. He’s got a short fuse, and I know he’ll blow up over it.
A: But you can’t put it off forever.
J: I know. But I hate to see him losing his temper over something so small. I’m worried he’ll freak out when I tell him. I just wish he was more understanding.
대화 해석해 보겠습니다.
I really don’t want to discuss this problem with my father.
나는 정말 아버지와 이 문제를 상의하고 싶지 않아요.
He’s got a short fuse.
그는 화를 쉽게 냅니다.
I know he’ll blow up over it.
너무 화가나서 폭발할 때 blow up이라고 합니다.
I know he’ll blow up over it.
그는 이것으로 폭발할 것을 나는 알아요.
But you can’t put it off forever.
그러나 당신은 이것을 영원히 미룰수 없어요.
I hate to see him losing his temper over something so small.
나는 그가 너무 작은 일에 화를 내는 것이 보기 싫어요.
I’m worried he’ll freak out when I tell him.
내가 얘기하면 그가 기겁할까 걱정입니다.
freak out 기겁하다. 심하게 놀라다. 정신을 못 차릴정도로 놀란 상황일 때 쓸 수 있습니다.
I just wish he was more understanding.
나는 단지 그가 이해를 더 해주길 바래요.
have a short fuse
화를 쉽게낸다. 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.
A: Did you talk to your father?
J: No, I really don’t want to discuss this problem with my father. He’s got a short fuse, and I know he’ll blow up over it.
A: But you can’t put it off forever.
J: I know. I hate to see him losing his temper over something so small. I’m worried he’ll freak out when I tell him. I just wish he was more understanding.
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Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은have a short fuse
화를 쉽게낸다.
He’s got a short fuse.
He has a quick temper.
He gets upset quickly.
욱하는 성격을 표현해 봤습니다.