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IAEA 사무총장 13일 방한…북핵 논의

IAEA 사무총장 13일 방한…북핵 논의

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio responds to President Barack Obama's intention to spare millions of illegal immigrants from being deported, a use of executive powers that is setting up a fight with Republicans in Congress over the limits of presidential powers, Washington, Nov. 21, 2014.
House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio responds to President Barack Obama's intention to spare millions of illegal immigrants from being deported, a use of executive powers that is setting up a fight with Republicans in Congress over the limits of presidential powers, Washington, Nov. 21, 2014.
아마노 유키야 국제원자력기구-IAEA 사무총장이 오는 13일부터 16일까지 한국을 방문합니다.

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